Mr. Ease has all the answers to the mysteries about careers

Outer Space

Ask Mr. Ease
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Editor's Note


On Mysteries

Mr. Ease.

My teacher is typing this letter for me. I am 5 years old and am in Kindergarten. I am writing questions today, and one of my question is "Why are some people black or white?" Would you please answer me at my teacher's email address.


Dear Peter:

I have to ask you a question. Where did you see people who are "black" or "white"? I have never seen such people on the planet Earth. 

I have only seen people who are very light pink, pink, light tan, red like the clay in the desert, light brown, brown, brownish red, dark brown and very dark brown.

I have seen people who are green on the planet Ork, but that is another story. 

I have heard people call people "black" and "white," but they are usually talking about history. Maybe in the olden days people were colored black and white, but I wasn't on this planet then. Were you? 

Yours truly,
Mr. Ease

Dear Mr. Ease:

Thank you for answering my question. You are right. I have never seen black people, or white people. 


Mr. Ease:

What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

From  Scidhuv

The only appropriate answer to life, the universe and everything is:  yes.


Dear Mr. Ease:

Mr. Ease where to you live in the internet?

I live in the Universe as do we all. 

I communicate through the internet.  It is a link from my dimension to yours.  I have the answers to all mysteries.

Just ask and you will receive.


Dear Mr. Ease:

I saw this guy the other day buying a bag of charcoal at 7-11. He looked a lot like Elvis. We made eye contact and he just looked at me a little "funny". I then knew it was him.

Should I have said something to Elvis, I mean he is the King. I wanted to respect his privacy, so I didn't say anything.

Now I'm second-guessing myself because I'm worried that I might have hurt his feelings. What would you have done if you had been in my position?

Just Wondering

Dear Wondering:

How  ironic. Elvis just mentioned you. 

Contrary to your supposition that you hurt his feelings, your behavior was perfect. Elvis hates attention.

P.S. Elvis was buying the charcoal for a big bash I hosted.


Dear Mr. Ease:

If you are so great as you seem to think you are, guess what color I am thinking of right now. I'll even give you a hint, it's not blue.

Your question is unmistakably hostile. How human.

It is impossible for me to enter a human mind as most if not all are contaminated by horrid thoughts of failure, fear and self-loathing which are (even in the slightest degree) as deadly to most entities in the universe as certain viruses on earth are to humans.

On a related note: this is why the human concept of alien visitation to the planet earth is absurd. We avoid humans like the plague.*

*except, of course, through an extremely sanitary environments such as the internet.


Dear Mr. Ease:

Who is Mr. Ease?

Mr. Ease is the Answer Man. Mr. Ease knows all and sees all and will answer some.


Dear Mr. Ease:

ill the crazies make my millennium a nightmare or am I just buying into the hype? Please help.  I'm paralyzed with fear.

Only you can make your millennium a nightmare.  Choose not to.  Choose to make it a grand celebration.  Perhaps the following information will fuel your celebratory impulses.

While it is true that the year 2000 is just another date on the calendar, it does happen to generally coincide with a confluence of physical and spiritual conditions that will increase the ability of mankind to ascend to its pinnacle of potential in every sphere of activity.  Subtle evidence of this is showing up everywhere on earth.

Dear Mr. Ease:

I have a Chevy truck and my brother has a Ford truck.  My cousin Floyd says that its been proved that if you take a Ford motor and put it in a Chevy and then take the Chevy motor and put it in the Ford, then they'll both go faster.

Is this true or would we be wasting our time if we done that?


Whenever someone says "it has been proved" it is a good idea to ask them for evidence of such proof.

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