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Herein Tulevision viewers involved in the performing arts tell the true story of their pursuit of a career in Show Business.


by The  EYE

HOLLYWOOD - Time has flown by the past two months. I have formed my company, booked two jobs and continue to audition 3-7 times a week. My company is called, “womenact productions.” It is comprised of six women other than myself, my co-producer and the director. We have met twice a week for over a month already. One meeting is a business and one a creative. The women are all very smart, talented and interesting people. We have been working very hard on trying to write a script. It is based on women’s lives and experiences.

From day one, this company has been extremely productive and ambitious. We hope to put up our first show in September, but the writing process is taking a little longer than we had anticipated. However, we have some great material already! We are financing our show by throwing fundraisers. We’ve had two already, a huge garage sale and a karaoke night. We have raised a considerable amount of money already. So, we’re off to a great start! And it has been an excellent learning process for my co-producer and I. From the casting process, to structuring our meetings and calendar, to having to fire a company member and dealing with the many egos.

We’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback from everyone about our company. We also plan on producing different kinds of plays, as well as short films, etc. We are also affiliated with a non-profit organization that helps critically ill children. We are a non-profit company.

Now, that the ball is rolling, I have booked two commercials. This was very exciting for me, as they were my first paid jobs.. . besides the extra work (but, that doesn’t count). I experienced working first hand with the directors, meeting interesting people and experienced the other side of the camera. It was completely different from working in production. I felt very guilty about sitting around, while everyone in production was running around. The widely used quote about working on sets is, “Hurry up and wait.”

Things are looking up. The more proactive I have been about my career, the faster it is progressing. I am really enjoying producing the play and am happy that I am starting to work professionally as an actor. I look forward to quitting my day job!! I hope it’s soon. I’m staying positive and working hard. I’ll keep you posted.

Eye on Hollywood Index

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